Guidelines for Sharing Your Story With Us

Guidelines For Sharing Your Story HereThe goal of the Project BRIDGE website and blog is to bring together tools, resources, information, and experiences that can help people with communication disabilities, their families/friends, clinicians and researchers collaborate on multi-stakeholder research.

People who read our blog are professionals and others who are interested in the research process that affects research in communication disabilities. Take a look at the website to get an idea of the kinds of things we like to post.

Who Can Write for Us?

We welcome guest posts from experts or people with varying experiences in stakeholder-engaged research. We define an “expert” as someone who has relevant life experience in the topic.

Types of Content Accepted

We accept “how-to”s, descriptions and examples of new tools/resources and their use, stories of experiences in stakeholder-engaged research, summaries of relevant peer-reviewed articles, book reviews on relevant topics, or interviews of experts in the field. We do not accept posts that are sales-focused, previously published pieces, or press releases.

Post Guidelines

Title and Hook

Please provide a catchy title. The first 2-3 sentences of your post should be a “hook” – something that will draw the reader’s attention.


Please limit your post to 200-400 words maximum


A maximum of 1-2 original images may be provided by the author. Original images should be ones that you took yourself or otherwise own the rights to. If your image includes other people, please ensure that you have obtained signed permission for its use with an appropriate photo release form. If you need a sample form, please let us know.

If you do not have an image to accompany your post, we will select one for you.


If you cite sources, please provide those at the end of your post in APA 7th edition style.


If there is a relevant link that can be embedded or added to your post, please provide it. Indicate where it should be embedded in the text.


This post will be of interest to a broad range of people, including those with communication disabilities. Follow these communication-friendly guidelines.

  • Use bullet points.
  • Keep sentences short.
  • Avoid technical jargon.
  • Keep vocabulary simple.

Video post options

In order to keep our site accessible, we invite video submissions. If you would like to submit a video version of your post INSTEAD of a written version, you are welcome to do so. OR, you may create a video to go along with the written version of your post.

Please follow these video guidelines.

  • The video should not last longer than 3 minutes.
  • All other guidelines above apply to video posts. In other words, no sales-focused, previously published, or marketing videos will be accepted.

Submission Guidelines

Please submit your written post in a .doc or .docx file by email to:

Video posts may be submitted by sending an email with a private youtube or other shared folder link. We can provide one for you if needed.

Written posts may be accompanied by a headshot of the first author.

Your submission will be reviewed and you will receive information by email about the acceptance of your post, or requested revisions, in approximately two weeks. There is no compensation for submitting a post to our website.

We reserve the right to edit your title or text body.

Thank you for contributing to the Project BRIDGE website!

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